
Buy an Education License Plate

Support Public Schools in Miami-Dade County and
buy the Florida Education License Plate!


这笔钱将用于税收无法覆盖的特殊项目,比如教室补助, equipment and books for school libraries, and student scholarships.

换句话说, 在迈阿密戴德县筹集的资金将留在迈阿密戴德县,用于迈阿密戴德县公立立博中文版我们的时事通讯的学生.

How to Buy the Education License Plate
有几种不同的选择购买和更新您的佛罗里达州教育牌照. Please see the options below for instructions:

按此 更新 你的盘子在网上.

按此 purchase your Education License plate from a Tag Office.


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